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Blog sur saint seiya

Athena The Lost Canvas by ~lelahel25

Athena The Lost Canvas by ~lelahel25

Bravo for LC Issue 36 by ~XcolorStudio

Bravo for LC Issue 36 by ~XcolorStudio

Xcolor's LC 2010-124 by ~XcolorStudio

Xcolor's LC 2010-124 by ~XcolorStudio

deviantID by ~anheitianm

deviantID  by ~anheitianm

Bravo for LC Issue 35 by ~XcolorStudio

Bravo for LC Issue 35 by ~XcolorStudio

Athena and her God Cloth

Athena and her God Cloth

Lost Canvas 187

Lost Canvas 187

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Voulez-vous que je fasse un forum avec le blog ?

Sondage 5

Quel est votre Chevaliers d'or préféré dans Lost Canvas ? - Shion du Bélier (80 vote(s) - 3 %) - Rasgado du taureau (131 vote(s) - 5 %) - Deuteros des Gémeaux (515 vote(s) - 20 %) - Manigoldo du Cancer (456 vote(s) - 18 %) - Regulus du Lion (73 vote(s)...

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Lost Canvas 186

Lost Canvas 186

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